Weekly reminders for September 16-20th

Good afternoon ESG families,


Please note our weekly reminders for September 16-20th

  Cutlery Reminder
 Please remember to pack cutlery with your child’s lunch. We’ve been handing out cutlery daily, and while we don’t want to say “no,” the current demand is unsustainable. Your help with this is greatly appreciated!

 Terry Fox School walk

On Friday, September 27th at 2p.m., staff and students will be walking to École George-McDowell and back to ESG in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.  We have also launched our annual fundraiser for the Foundation.   Classes will challenge each other for the most money raised. The winning class will have a fun gym activity with M. Johnson and Mme Fontaine. 

 Monetary or online donations are welcomed.   Ecole St. Germain Online Fundraising Page:   Last year, we raised $1707,50 for the foundation.  Our goal this year is $2000.  Let’s donate to a great cause!!

 Canteen and Nutrition Program
 As many of you may know, the province has provided school divisions with funding for a divisional nutrition program. In the past, ÉSG offered a paid canteen service, but we won’t be continuing this in the near future. Instead, a variety of snacks and fruit will be available to all students throughout the day. This food will be visible and easily accessible, and this service will begin next week.

 Microwave Use
 Microwaves are available for students in grades 3-5, but access is limited. This policy ensures the safety of younger students who may not have the skills to safely operate a microwave. Please keep in mind that microwaves should only be used to reheat food, not to cook full meals. We ask that you avoid sending frozen dinners or popcorn, as they often require extended cooking times.

 Consent to Share Contact Information
 At the Opening Day Conferences, families were asked to consent to share contact information with other families in their child’s class. Teachers will have compiled contact lists for those who provided consent. These lists can be used to organize events such as playdates or birthday parties, helping to avoid awkward situations and ensuring no one feels excluded. If you have questions about how to connect with other students/families, please contact your child's classroom teacher.

ESG Community Survey

We are excited to welcome students back for the 2024-2025 school year. As part of our ongoing commitment to prioritize Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism, as well as the LRSD Multi Year Strategic Plan, we are compiling a multicultural calendar of observances, holidays and celebrations that are important to students and members of our community. Please complete this to share with us what days your family recognizes. 

 Cell Phones

As schools across Manitoba implement the new ministerial guidelines on cell phone use in schools, the LRSD is seeking feedback from our school communities. If you have not already done so, we would encourage you to read the spotlight story, Building a More Connected and Supportive Learning Environment Together.  LRSD has prepared a draft policy and is seeking feedback from parents, staff, and students via this where you can share your thoughts on the draft policy. 

Milk program

 Our milk program started this week.  Milk tickets will be available for purchase at the office ($1 for a milk ticket or pre-set bag of 20 milks tickets for $20 (white or chocolate).  To make distribution easier, Grade 5 students will be circulating at lunch in all classrooms (Kindergarten to Grade 5) to exchange purchased milk tickets for milk. Please have the milk ticket in your child’s lunch box for when the student volunteers come around with the milk (white or chocolate).

 End of day routine change

If your end of day routine has changed (ex. your child is not taking the bus home), please notify the school by 3:00 p.m. at the very latest.

 Message form our PAC

Hey École St. Germain families! Want to be in the loop and help make a difference? Get involved with our Parent Advisory Council! Check out our website for all the details and follow us on social media for the latest updates and fun happenings. Let’s make this year awesome together!

Instagram @ESG_PAC     Facebook  

 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Brochure

Please find attached the following Student Accident Communications

  • Student Accident Parent Cover Letter – 2024-2025
  • Voluntary Student Accident Brochure 
  • Universal Student Insurance – Highlights 2024-2025